這才是全世界最好的護理油!脂漏性皮膚炎/脂溢性皮炎患者保養油選擇指南 This is the Best Treatment Oil in the world for Seborrhea, try it!
(本視頻的微博影像在 https://weibo.com/tv/show/1034:4842319736930457 ; YouTube 放在 https://youtu.be/63zUPFosrEY 。)
上一支影片「做對三件事, #脂漏性皮膚炎# / #脂溢性皮炎# #不用藥物# 也能痊癒!」反應十分熱烈(Youtube https://youtu.be/xoarNeOsN8s;或是微博的https://weibo.com/tv/show/1034:4841323644256320),不少人私信我「有脂漏性皮膚炎患者只使用 #橄欖油# 的案例嗎?」、「如何判斷自己適不適合用油?」、「如何正確選擇食用油?」、「除了脂漏性皮膚炎患者,我們也可以學習如何選擇正確的、舒適的 #保養油# #護理油# 來保護自己嗎?」
這次的影片引用了 #mayo clinic# 對 #seborrhea# 的說明,告訴你:
「如果脆弱、強烈發炎的脂漏性皮膚炎/脂溢性皮炎患者都可以這樣使用, #敏感肌#的你, #酒糟# 的你,甚至是正常肌膚的你……你還怕些什麼呢?大膽地學習,大膽地使用吧!」
0:00 前言
0:58 綜論(Mayo Clinic #梅約醫學中心# #妙佑醫療國際#; #脂漏# / #脂溢# )
1:55 致病原因(Mayo Clinic)
2:56 治療方式(Mayo Clinic)
3:31 「肉眼痊癒」臨床案例,照片紀錄與說明
4:07 紫外燈/伍氏燈紀錄與說明(臨床案例)
4:47 皮膚顯微鏡 #dermatoscope# 表皮與真皮紀錄與說明(臨床案例)
5:56 肉眼與皮膚鏡比對說明
6:29 Mayo Clinic之綜論再述與分析
6:47 安全油脂幫助乳化膜重建
7:06 全世界最好的護理油!如何正確選擇與判斷?
Hello to all my friend:
I have upload a new YouTube Video talks about “Is oil O.K. for seborrhea/steroid withdraw patient? How is its performance during the rebound time? How can you monitor it?”
This is its Weibo address, if you are in China, it’s easier and quicker net speed for you to watch the video:
This is its YouTube address:
And this is its Weibo address, if you are in China, you do not have to cross the firewall to reduce your watching speed:
It’s better watching it on YouTube because the CC caption can be translated into ANY Language you want (I am a Taiwanese and Mandarin is my native language)
You are free to ask any question, if I can answer……
Dr. Sung in Taipei, a 30-year-in-career-as-a-dermatologist
The following is translated from Chinese by Google……
This is the Best Treatment Oil in the world for Seborrhea and steroid-withdraw, try it!
The response to the last video was very enthusiastic (Youtube https://youtu.be/xoarNeOsN8s; or Weibo https://weibo.com/tv/show/1034:4841323644256320), many people privately messaged me "I have fat leakage Do patients with atopic dermatitis only use #olive oil#?", "How to judge whether oil is suitable for you?", "How to choose cooking oil correctly?", "In addition to patients with seborrheic dermatitis, we can also learn how to Choose the right and comfortable #treatment oil# to protect yourself?"
This video quotes mayo clinic's explanation of #seborrhea# #seborrheic dermatitis# , telling you:
"If fragile, strongly inflamed seborrheic dermatitis/seborrheic dermatitis patients can use it like this, if you are a #sensitive skin#, or with #rosacea#, and even you with normal skin... what are you afraid of? Learn boldly and use boldly!"