A醇也刺激皮膚 刺激性反應的皮膚測試 ft配方師林志青舒膚肌戒小教室【舒膚肌戒小教室EP11】
【保養品也會高潮!? 測試皮膚刺激性反應的方式!】
(English and Japanese subtitles are available)
資深皮膚專科主任,肌膚監測與專業配方師 手把手教你
00:00 懷疑保養品引起我過敏?
00:16 配方師對過敏與刺激的看法
00:23 配方師對產品篩選的快速建議
01:36 肌膚監測談累積性刺激性皮膚炎
02:31 肌膚監測對產品篩選的補充建議
03:12 配方師繼續談過敏
03:27 貼膚測試的能與不能
同場加映:【脂漏脂溢患者保養油選擇指南 This is the Best Treatment Oil in the world for Seborrhea, try it! https://youtu.be/63zUPFosrEY 】
發現新大陸?看這裡! https://youtu.be/SItKSkIigbo 還有 https://youtu.be/EAOwS-U0YYU 重建你對皮膚科學的信心!
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更多醫學資訊 全球 http://www.goodskin.doctor/ 中國 https://blog.sina.com.cn/u/1814871924
In this video, we're going to talk about a condition that a lot of people know about but don't really understand- 脂漏性皮膚炎 (AKA Seborrhea, AKA seborrheic dermatitis, AKA 脂溢性皮炎). We're going to delve deep into the condition, its symptoms, and the treatments that are available.
If you're suffering from seborrhea and steroid-withdraw syndromes, this video is for you! We'll talk about the causes of seborrhea, the treatments that are available, and what you can do to get rid of seborrhea for good. By the end of this video, you'll understand seborrhea and acne better than you ever have before, and be able to treat it effectively if you find it’s solution.