這是一位經歷好幾年痛苦,經過三年肌戒後自癒的戒友。使用過 #激素# #類固醇# ,當然就有 #類固醇戒斷# #steroid withdraw# #激素性皮炎# 的辛苦。
0:00 他的故事
0:05 嚴重的脂漏性皮膚炎
0:55 病歷報告
1:34 90%改善!
2:17 苦盡甘來
2:24 紫外燈/伍氏燈 Wood’s light 說明
2:58 顯微鏡/皮膚鏡 dermatoscope 表皮說明
3:11 顯微鏡/皮膚鏡真皮說明
3:32 三件訣竅
5:01 臨床痊癒!
5:51 更多資訊
Hello everyone, I am a Taiwan dermatologist who majored in treating steroid-induced red skin syndrome for about 20 years. And I have just uploaded a YouTube video which talks about a 3-year-long-battle history of severe seborrhea, who suffered from using steroid and FINALLY QUIT IT under a wave-pattern auto-recovering period. The video’s vocal is in Mandarin; but you can choose CC caption auto-translation. I hope this can help your self recover.
The YouTube address of this video is https://youtu.be/xoarNeOsN8s. Hope all you well.